Many people associate Illustration as simply just a drawing based subject, however this is rapidly changing in our fast pace of life and new mediums are being increasingly used. For example things such as photography, 3d sculpture and moving image are a much more regular occurrence within Illustration, making it a much more diverse subject. I feel that how much everything is changing it is essential that experimenting with a wide range of media so to actually have a wider understanding of what is available and what would work best with a certain piece during research.
Using different drawing materials such as charcoal, biro, ink and pencil is also important to get a feel for each material, as different projects require different approaches to create the right message or be most aesthetically pleasing to the audience, and so to have a good experience of a wide range of mediums helps to develop your own skill as well as give you a clear understanding to the project in hand.
An understanding and knowledge of ‘an audience’ can enhance and focus the communication.
Research is a key element to understanding who your audience is and how to connect with them visually as well as typographically. When faced with a brief from a client it is so important to assess what the brief is about, what is required and who it will need to be directed at. For example, when advertising for a student discount night for a night club it will have to be able to speak to students and young people around 18-22 years of age, so this means that it will have to be modern, fresh and unique for it to be able to stand out among the bombardment of flyers and posters that are given to students on a daily basis. Would it need to include colour? And what kind of picture or font w
ould have to be used?
In comparison to this a brief where you are required to design characters for a book for young children different aspects are needed to be taken into consideration. What is the age group and what would be suitable drawings for young children to see? Also what will keep them engaged in the story? Knowing and understanding the storyline of the book is also crucial to succeed. For an example of this I have used an advert for Churchill stair lifts, this would mainly be directed at the elderly and so it has been made reasonable simple to understand, with the points they feel are important to the customer laid out as a check list. It also incorporates a small written piece from an apparent customer stating ‘I trust and recommend them to you’. I feel that using a photograph of the elderly woman in one of their chairs helps to also connect with people who may be in the same situation, and also draws to the point what the advert is about straight away.
This is why it is important to understand and know who your audience is.