Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Draw. Work by hand.

Drawing is vital to express your thoughts and ideas. Where writing your ideas may help yet visualising them lets your mind free and it becomes almost like automatic drawing as your arm and hand becomes a tool. Being conscious of what you draw limits your ideas and doesn’t let your mind really explore to its full potential, this is why it is so important to relax and not think about what you should be drawing but just enjoy your ideas.

I am looking at Da Vinci’s famous collection of sketches. The one I have chosen for this particular piece shows the process of ideas, starting with a quick sketch to create the basic outline moving right up to a full sketch of the horse. He has also explored the facial expression of the horse thoroughly, and so you can see the development of the idea through drawing and exploring.

Your RVJ is a good way of expressing your ideas and exploring them, it sort of becomes a ‘visual organiser’, along with notes it can help you explore each aspect of your thoughts.

Utilise your creative brain.

Your brain its set into two separate halves, the right side being the creative side and the left is the organiser and the thinker. Understanding how these two halves work and their particular uses is extremely useful as it helps to pick and choose ideas and compositions that may or may not work.

I have chosen to look at this piece of work because it shows the process of both halves of the brain, for example the right side is the drawing which is playful and colour, key signs of the creative right brain. Whereas the left side of the brain which is organising, is shown through the notes alongside the picture, questioning each part which will then go onto to develop the idea even more. This links to ‘cyclic processes’ where you constantly switch between the two to keep developing an idea over and over until it is perfect.

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